Banglalion Wimax Unlimited Internet Package for Postpaid and Prepaid Offer

Good speed and unlimited volume are now the requirements of every net user that’s why Banglalion wimax unlimited internet package for the postpaid and prepaid offer is giving a bundle of the offer. So, now one can easily get access to the internet where one can enjoy the best browsing and volume too. No doubt, many opportunities have created through the internet while thousands of people are searching on different topics and also providing e-com services. Now every person is availing products at home after one click. As well as, the inflation rate is decreasing from this innovation because bundles of brilliant students are free from the study but now they are doing different businesses and earn a handsome amount with internet opportunities.

Banglalion Wimax Unlimited Internet Package:

In the ground of technology, various companies have come up with the 3G and 4G tech in the market. Among them, banglalion wimax unlimited internet package allows fast speed internet with the best possible rates to the users. People can see the package detail below the table.

Speed Bundle Charges
Unlimited 1 Mbps 30 GB 1300 Taka
Unlimited 1 Mbps 40 GB 2300 Taka
Unlimited 1 Mbps 70 GB 4000 Taka
Unlimited 2 Mbps 30 GB 2500 Taka
Unlimited 2 Mbps 50 GB 4600 Taka
Unlimited 2 Mbps 70 GB 6500 Taka
Unlimited 4 Mbps 70 GB 1000 Taka

Banglalion WiMAX unlimited internet package has clearly described and charges are totally different against every offer. The speed of every package is change and people can easily purchase plans according to need.b

Banglalion WiMAX Postpaid Package:

Customers are using two types of SIM, postpaid and prepaid. Both are completely different as well as packages are completely changing. For the facilitation of the people, banglalion WiMAX postpaid package is available for all postpaid customers and they can easy to avail at a cheap price. Now, we will discuss the details of the packages.

Offer Speed Data Volume Duration Price
Royal 2 Mbps 2 Mbps Unlimited 30 Days TK 700
Royal 3 Mbps 3 Mbps Unlimited 30 Days TK 1100
Royal 4 Mbps 4 Mbps Unlimited 30 Days TK 1500

Three types of banglalion wimax postpaid packages are available in the market and hope some more offers will launch in the coming days.

Banglalion WiMAX Prepaid Internet Package:

  • Most of the community is using banglalion wimax prepaid package because according to they are providing outstanding offers. After a one-time recharge people can easily use the internet with full freedom all the month. On the other hand, some people activate weekly offers.

Everyone uses a package according to the budget limit because some time the usage of the internet is on low-level son they activate small offers while some people using for entertainment. So we cannot say the usage of the internet is the same between every person. Some offers have introduced by the company that the information is available below.

Speed Scratch Card Data Volume Validity
3 MB TK 49 500 MG 3 Days
3 MB TK 99 1 GB 5 Days
3 MB TK 149 Unlimited 2 Days
3 MB TK 199 3 GB 14 Days
3 MB TK 399 10 GB 30 Days
3 MB TK 699 20 GB 30 Days
3 MB TK 999 35 GB 60 Days
3 MB TK 1499 60 GB 90 Days

Information on banglalion wimax prepaid package is clear with usage duration and people can gather all information about packages.b

Banglalion WiMAX Offer 2023.

All offers about banglalion wimax offer 2023 have written in content with complete description. Moreover, customer care centers have built-in every city of Bangladesh, and people can confirm about the package. Hopefully, more information will be provided by the representative because some offers are under observation. If you cannot go on customer care, then you can contact on this number that is available below.

Contact Number 09611556677

Internet Package of Banglalion WiMAX

In the market, no other competitor is giving these types of offers. This brand is providing banglalion wimax internet package for postpaid and prepaid offers to the respected customers. Furthermore, the services of this operator are available across Bangladesh because some roomers are distributing in some specific cities. No that is completely wrong and franchises have open in every small and big city. People can avail of services from offices that are located nearest. So, the banglalion wimax unlimited internet package for both prepaid and postpaid offer used for a different purpose, so it depends on the user that which one u prefer from them.

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