“Lincoln”The film “Lincoln” is set during the termination of the Civil War in the U.S.,

Where the Confederates army was fighting against the Union army. Even though numerous issues led to the conflict between the two troops, the major problem was the abolition of slavery and the denial of the Confederates’ cooperation. Inevitably, the Civil War is considered one of the most calamitous events that hit the U.S. In this essay, there will be an assessment of examples of political and legal conflicts and themes presented in the movie  (Hire Dissertation writer experts).

During the conflict, the film depicted Abraham Lincoln as the U.S. president. Lincoln’s perspectives on slavery issues were quite intriguing. When the Civil War was coming to a halt, it was evident that the Confederates were likely to lose the war. Prior to that point, Lincoln had introduced the Emancipation Proclamation, which described that all individuals held as enslaved people during the conflict were to be free citizens after the war. The issue facing Emancipation was that its impact was insignificant. The notion was only applicable in the regions that had diverted from the Union. Thus, it relied on the Union’s victory, and only the jury could annul it. To avoid this problem, the president introduced and implemented the 13th Amendment seeking to end slavery in the U.S. The policy described that involuntary servitude and slavery would end after the battle. However, he hoped that Amendment would acquire more votes to be enacted. The film depicts the struggles facing the notion at the moment.

At the start of this film, there is a clear indication of two African American soldiers discussing something with the president. Soon afterward, white troops join them, and they start to converse about Gettysburg, a popular speech made by Lincoln in 1863 in Pennsylvania close to the conflict zone (Spielberg). However, it was less impactful since, in the speech, Lincoln particularly explained democracy as the law of the people for the people by the people. Focusing on these perspectives on slavery abolition and the way Lincoln struggled to avoid it, it surely seems to have been a serious agenda. However, it was not quite convincing and was not able to eradicate the issue of slavery as many had thought. In the movie, the president expresses his doubt about freedom resuming among blacks after the victory.

The movement introduced by Lincoln to end slavery through the enactments of laws was not to guarantee the liberty of the enslaved people during the era but in the contemporary U.S. Furthermore, it intended to decline the growth of slavery as displaced individuals relocated westwards and began creating settlements in the U.S. An example of his points was that enactment of laws was not overtly presumed to destruct the southerners that were extensively dependent on farming and the poor chores of the salves, but instead to consolidate and rectify the country that was profoundly split by racialism. Indeed, there were large populations of African Americans during that time. The only hope of liberation for blacks during the era was joining the army troops, which was quite ironic.

The movie demonstrated that some leaders during the past acknowledged that they were against the move simply because it was a natural order from God. They supposed that God desired the world to have masters and enslaved people (Spielberg). Thus, it was a direct insult to God that better equality than slavery. A contentious debate in the Senate was also on the notion that some leaders emerged from slavery-infested regions. By emerging from those areas, it was probable that their affluent and effectual situations were connected to slavery. Hence, from their ideological and economic view, it could be wrong if they immediately lost their income sources which were slavery. Due to this, various inquiries arose if they would support Lincoln in enacting the law. In the movie, individuals used phrases such as “fair justice for all” rather than “all color “or “all races” (Spielberg). Apart from that, the individuals challenged the notion that whites and blacks should not be treated the same due to their race.

Eventually, Lincoln encountered a major advocate for his notion known as Thaddeus

Stevens, a Pennsylvania Congressman, also depicted in the film. Stevens is noticed in numerous accounts of debating in the Senate, where he also addressed the same issue to that of President Lincoln (Spielberg). The individual supported that the opposing debate for justice for all races was unusual. In the increasingly rejected speech between the democrats and the republicans, people made fun of him through ironical tones. Even though he strongly supported Lincoln, he stressed him since he firmly believed slavery was wrong and should be aborted. At the same time, Lincoln assumed that cooperating with his opponents would assist the country in the future. The issue is apparent when Stevens and the president are seen in a certain scene discussing using a compass pointing to the northern side (Spielberg). The discussion depicted a personal metaphor.

From a broader perspective, it is evident that the film was intriguing since viewers watched constructive debates of the politicians who pioneered the American dream. Moreover, it is quite captivating to witness individuals who are brave enough to stand for the rights of marginalized groups like President Lincoln. By watching this movie, the viewers are able to view issues like racism in a certain dimension. One can also interpret the current situation in the U.S. by contemplating what the movie portrays (Contact term paper writers using this link).

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