Teletalk Bornomala Internet Recharge Call Rate Offer 2023

A wide range of Teletalk Bornomala Offer 2023 has covered the internet with a really reasonable call rate on every recharge. Packages and offers are suitable according to student usage. All packages are introducing by the government because Teletalk is completely dependent on them. This is special for students who are studying in different universities, colleges, and schools. no, any operator existing in the Bangladesh market who provide these types of offers. This was launched for students a couple of years ago. The other benefit and detail of this 2023 offer is trying to compile in the given text.

Teletalk Bornomala Internet Offer 2023:

Undoubtedly, the Teletalk Bornomala internet offers 2023 has additionally split up into different options based on different volumes. They can easily activate at affordable prices. There is 6 type of internet package, students can avail of the offer according to her budget.

Internet bundle Rates Usage time duration Through mobile activation
1 GB TK: 24 7 Days *111*611#
1 GB TK: 46 30 Days *111*612#
2 GB TK: 83 30 Days *111*613#
4 GB TK: 62 7 Days *111*614#
5 GB TK: 96 15 Days *111*615#
10 GB TK: 186 30 Days *111*616#

After following the information students can activate the offer for her choice with fixed charges.

Teletalk Bornomala Call Rate 2023:

By seeing the detail, the Teletalk Bornomala call rate offer 2023 is the cheapest offer for those students who cannot afford local call tariffs. No package available this type where you can do call on any operator with the lowest price while the company sure that the FNF number is not eligible under this offer.

the internet and teletalk call rate in offer

Voice Calls

On-Net 0.45 Taka 1 Second
Off-Net 0.45 Taka 1 Second

Video Call

On-Net 0.45 Taka 1 Second

SMS Offer

On-Net 0.30 Taka
Off-Net 0.30 Taka


This network is trying to facilitate to the students and Teletalk Bornomala internet, call rate, and even recharge offer 2023 special for those students who are studying away from their families. Now, the government is distributing new SIM with free of cost but depend on student result.

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