There aren’t many home appliances that can last for a lifetime. They usually break down sooner or later due to normal wear and tear or violation of operating rules. Many home warranties in Georgia typically cover major kitchen appliances, plumbing, and electrical systems which is great news considering appliances are something everyone often uses.
Large appliances like refrigerators, washing machines, dishwashers and garbage disposals help with a wide range of household tasks. But they also use a lot of energy, so it’s important to follow these energy-saving tips: 1. Read the instruction manuals.
1. Refrigerator
Refrigerators are pretty important, allowing us to store foods and drinks at the right temperature for their preservation and keeping food safe for consumption. Unfortunately, refrigerators are the appliance that breaks down most often (according to claims assigned to StrikeCheck). They are prone to high voltage surges, which can wreak havoc on their compressors and other components. One way to help prevent this from happening is to clean the fridge coils regularly. This will prevent dust, hair, grime and other debris from clogging the coils, restricting their ability to dissipate heat and potentially causing a breakdown.
If you suspect your fridge has a problem, unplug it and plug in another small appliance. If the other appliance works, you know the problem is with your refrigerator.
2. Washing Machine
When you’re stuck without a working washing machine, it can be very inconvenient. You might find yourself avoiding certain items, going to the laundromat, or relying on friends to wash for you.
Having a washing machine makes it easy to stay clean, and most people use it several times a week. However, this frequent usage puts a lot of strain on the appliance’s parts and can cause it to break down sooner than it would otherwise.
In general, appliances break down when they’re not cared for properly or when they are working too hard. That’s why it’s important to follow the manufacturer’s maintenance instructions, and not overload your washer. In addition, it’s helpful to clean appliances like refrigerators and microwaves regularly, as this will help keep them running efficiently. Using these tips will ensure your household appliances last longer and don’t break down prematurely. This will also help you save on your energy bills. This is because appliances that break down often require more energy to run, which increases your utility bill.
3. Dishwasher
Inventive time-saving additions to our homes, appliances allow us to cool food, heat it, wash dishes, clean clothes and so much more. However, when these appliances break down it’s not only inconvenient; it can also be expensive to repair or replace
Large household appliances like washing machines, dryers and dishwashers are used daily and therefore have heavy workloads. Regular wear and tear combined with improper use can cause these appliances to break down more often than they should.
The good news is that there are many ways to avoid unnecessary appliance repairs by doing regular maintenance and making smarter decisions about how you use your appliances. You can find a lot of helpful tips on the internet and online, for example, how to fix a dishwasher, or learn about which appliances consume the most active energy or standby energy. Most manufacturers also have their own online spare parts shops where you can buy OEM (original equipment manufacturer) replacement parts for your appliance.
4. Garbage Disposal
A garbage disposal that constantly clogs may not be a sign of bad cleaning habits, but rather that the unit is getting old and worn. When a disposal continually jams, it may be unable to grind the food waste properly and it can cause a backup of waste into the sink basin and drain pipes. Grease accumulation is another problem that can create a stinky, clogged mess in your kitchen drains and sewer lines.
Avoid putting stringy, fibrous foods like celery, asparagus, artichokes and banana peels into the disposal. They can tangle and wrap around the disposal’s grinder teeth and shorten its lifespan. Also, meat waste and bone scraps can clog the disposal and dull the blades. If you do put these items into the disposal, make sure to run cold water while it is running to flush the disposal and wash away any resulting debris. If your disposal continues to experience problems, it’s time to call a professional.