Gaming is now the best type of extra circular activity that’s why the Robi Pubg Pack 2023 30 Days offer brought a rare type of data bundle for this game lovers. People played games on different grounds but now through advanced tech, all games exist on mobile. Most children spend all their time on games and prefer android games as compared to other curricular activities. There are multiple varieties of games like educational, challenges, and casual but some games left a positive aspect on human life and people learn from games. People play Pubg in groups online and data is necessary so, the Robi Pubg pack is especially for them.
Robi Pubg Pack 2023 30 Days offer:
Under this pack, 1GB of data will provide to the user for the purpose to play this game. Furthermore, the charges of this pack are too affordable for every person as well as, user can easily use it any time this offer at duration time.
- Here at Pubg Stylishname, you can generate unlimited names.
Rubi Pubg Pack:
Volume | Time Duration | Charges |
1GB | 30 Days | 33 Taka |
Imp Things to Remember:
- Firstly, the online method is available where customers can buy this but the most important credit limit is necessary for 33 Taka.
- This data will be used for Pubg game not for other browsing.
- Specifically, only Prepaid customers can enjoy or get benefits from it.
Robi Pubg Pack Code:
Users can avail of this offer through different ways like customer care, IVR, and online but some customers cannot know about these methods they want just a simple way so, the USSD code has been introduced by the Rubi operator. Those can easily avail of Robi Pubg Pack after dialing *123*033# but 33 Taka charges are necessary for your SIM account and will deduct at the time of subscription. You can visit Robi Rate Cutter Offer 2023.
It’s true that the Robi Pubg pack is one of the unique offers that’s why it attracts the attention of every user who is playing this fantastic game on a phone. In recent situations, this is one of the best activity types to spend time on.